Sunday, October 14, 2012

A lot of projects at once....

I have been working on cutting out silverfish. They are gross little bugs that shed their exoskeleton several times throughout their lifetimes. I want to do about double the amount that I have here. At the BFA show I want these to be on the floor and crawling up a post at the Mammoth. I have been thinking a lot about site specificity after we have decided where to have our show.   

I have also been working on my video about time. I used my Go Pro to film my drive, bike ride and walk down the same stretch of road. I was thinking about re-filming this video because of the camera being shaky. After critique I realized that it might be nice to keep the movement of the camera. I want it to show the difference in the movement of the different modes of travel. I don't want it to look like I just drove at three different speeds. I also think that if I re-filmed this I might be too aware of what the video will look like. I like that this video is raw and filmed in a way that I didn't know what it would look like.

I'm close to finishing this painting. I just need to darken the shadow around the waist so that it has more dimension. The eyebrows, beard and hair also need more glazes. They are a little flat at this point.

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