Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Train Kiln

 We had our second wood fire in the train kiln that we built last spring. We even fired it off in 18 less hours than the last time. Drier wood, awesome workers and a good rhythm were a big help.
We carefully loaded our work into the kiln. Keeping the pots close together directs the flame through the pieces which creates the colorful patterns when it is finished.
Megan, Dan and Ian kept loading as the sun was setting.
Throwing in the wood gets pretty toasty when the temperature nears 2000 degrees.

Jay kindled through the wee hours of the night.
When the kiln was unloaded, we had a Space Lab show to display our work.

It is customary to make kiln gods to protect our pots through the firing.

This is some of my work from the firing.

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